We tried a visualization meditation last night that involved touching each of the four fingers to the thumb with each new thought and being aware of your breathing between each thought. Try this:

1. Touching your index finger to your thumb, remember a time when you were in a very beautiful place.....Breathe....
2. Touching your middle finger to your thumb, remember a time when someone gave you a compliment....Breathe....
3. Touching your ring finger to your thumb, remember a time when you heard and felt the words, "I love you."...Breathe....
4. Touching your pinky to your thumb, remember a time when you were exhausted from a healthy physical activity....Breathe....

1 comment:

Cath said...

Hi - over from Writing in Faith. This interested me as it is a type of relaxation technique that I have taught. It was called "Chakra breathing" when I learned it / taught it and I found some people liked it because it can be done at anytime, anywhere and discreetly. Thanks for sharing.